You Read that right! Two new routes were released in the world of Neokyo this past week. What better way then to take on a route based workout AND check off another route badge unlock?! We will be taking on 'Chasing the sun'

Friday we will take on this route and have some notable efforts to prepare for:
Warm up: Short and sweet with the kick off of the Alley and Railway sprint to get in two high intense openers to jumpstart the cardio system and muscular system. *These will be within the first 5km so be ready to rock and roll one we roll out and gather together at the start.
Cookie Points Climb: Right after the opening warm up, we will set right into a nice little starter climb at sweet spot pace to begin to work on depleting the glycolytic system and work to build out endurance engine and push that sub threshold limit.
We then have a nice fe kilometers to settle down and talk more about resting heart rate and building fitness. This week will be emphasising taking a day off each week and why you actually gain more with some recovery days to offset the hard days and be able to go harder the next days. *this will be building up to a week we will go in depth with Heart Rate Variability and sleep along with the blogs..(Stay Tuned!)
Now we ride into the main set for Friday:
Country Sprint - ALL OUT effort. this will be a kicker heading right into the KOM/QOM.. perfect way to hit off with Vo2 Max and settle into threshold with minimal rest to train the body to become efficient, stronger, and recover faster.
Temple Climb- You will recognise this one from a few weeks ago (10min effort). This is todays main effort and we will be shooting for Threshold ZONE 4 (Yellow on graph) 95% of your FTP.
(See Color Graph below for Graph examples) š

How to show your graph on your screen:
We then have a wonderful time going downhill and throw in some high cadence to flush out the effort and prepare for out last sprint effort to top the day off, settling into a finishing stretch of high endurance Zone 2 pace (Blue ZONE).
Tower Sprint- Lat sprint of the day, we will go ALL OUT but settle right into that high 60-65% of your FTP endurance zone to push those limits and abilities to settle in after an attack or a hard effort. This build the glycolytic and anaerobic energy system to produce energy within high intensity efforts.Ultimately building moremitochondriall density to add to the energy system.

Then we wrap it up and cool down and enjoy good workout and eachothers company!
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Hope to see you there!
Wow!! What great information and explanation of training objectives for Friday. Love the map & colorful zone chart. Very helpful. Iām all in! Thank you,