Yes! It is almost here! FRIDAY! and yes jumping right in to April. We have some good things in store for this friday's smash sessions!
Again two times now to make sure to sign up under the time you wish or *if you are and athlete of mine, Communicate the time you wish.
Heading to the world of London
Now last week we did short efforts, This week is a tad different. we are going to have a lovely long warm up and some good flat land tempo work before heading to the Hills in London starting With leith and then taking on box hill. Now yes, there are just two climbs, but the focus of the workout today is to initially deplete the glycolytic system with the beginning tempo work to then take on a long climb and then to end on a shorter climb Vo2 max effort. This will greatly help your FTP increase as well as your stamina and ability to work to recover fast and reside in that Endurance pace to better your engine for those longer tougher rides.
It is going to be an awesome day! Make sure to come along and bring your friends!

Sign up Here: