You heard it, yes calling all Legends this friday. It's been fantastic to see many more of you sign up for the Friday Smash Session. Last week there were over 20 who showed which left a great kick off the the new 2022 year. To that, we don't stop. There is only a few weeks left until the stars align and we can create a club for our Friday Smash Sessions.

This Friday January 7th we are taking on one of the newly added routes... Legends of lava
Find Full Course Info HERE
We will be taking on one lap (and hopefully also checking off a badge off your list) this Friday.
We will have a brief warm up into titans Grove to where we begin the first of three segments of the route workout.
First Up: Titans Grove Reverse KOM/QOM- This will be another VO2 max effort (Above threshold effort) 110-120% of your FTP. this is that RED Zone on the graph. This will take 1.5-2 min so short and sweet. you will be familiar with this from last week.
Then we focus on recovery and we put on our high cadence spinning legs and flush out that effort on the down hill at 100-110+rpm.
Second: Watopia Sprint Forward- This will be an all out effort (again will look familiar from last week) better way to get a second try!
Recovery in between, we will then settle into endurance mode (BLUE zone 2) 60% of your FTP.. then instead of setting off on the Reverse epic KOM/QOM, we are off to our final effort of the day. It's going to get hot!
Last For the best: Volcano KOM/QOM - Threshold 100% of your FTP (Yellow Zone 4). yep you heard it right. we get another chance up the volcano to test the level of our threshold after a couple efforts. this will be an 8min effort so leave nothing behind. we will have a nice recovery cool down after so look forward to that!

With that, Let's take on this Friday and get in a great workout! See ya There!
Be Kind, DO Fearless