Im Back!
Thank you all who participated at last week's Friday Smash session where Matthew led. He did a wonderful job and I am very most grateful for him slotting in as I was off coaching a gravel camp in California. Well.. Now I'm back and now we are going to focus on a solid long climbing effort this friday!
The Route: 'Big Loop'
We will be taking on the Epic KOM/QOM *don't worry, no radio tower today as we then head right on over to the jungle to got in a nice 10 min threshold climb effort to then end the day going back into the town of Watopia.
Epic KOM/QOM- This is going to be a 20-25 min Sweet Spot Zone 3/4 95% of your FTP (mix of green and yellow on the chart) effort with a mix of sitting and standing for sections that go over 8% incline. Our seated goal cadence is 75-80 rpm as we refrain from going below 60 rpm to work on cadence and power efficiency.
With that we have a fun down hill with a little Kicker and we are off to the gravel jungle!
The jungle climb will be the last longer effort of the day. THis one is the Cherry on top as we will push upper Threshold Zone 4/5 100-110% of your FTP (Yellow with a tad bit of red on that graph).

To that. We are at regular time as last week there was a little mix up. Hope to see you all there! and DOn't forget to sign up If you haven't already!
Sign up here: